Call time on animal experiments!

Animal testing is cruel and outdated, and yet approximately THREE MILLION animals are still used in research every year in Britain. 

More government investment is needed in transformative technologies such as Non-Animal Methods, which could replace current regulatory animal testing. These modern non-animal scientific approaches are often quicker, cheaper, more humane, and more accurate!

In order to accelerate this transition, we need the Government to commit to ending the use of animals in experiments in the UK.

With such a commitment in place, the UK could invest and focus its scientific research to become a world leader in modern human-focused science.

Let’s make the UK a leader in high tech non-animal research and call time on animal testing!
  • There is enough things out nowadays without having to test, disgusting Julie C 29.04.2024 14:58
  • Animal testing should be banned because it violates animals' rights and it causes terrible pain and suffering to the experimental animals. Other means of testing products are available ~ in addition, research has proved that experiments on non-human animals provides statistically little useful insight. Julie R 24.04.2024 15:26
  • Animal testing should be banned because it violates animals' rights and it causes terrible pain and suffering to the experimental animals. Other means of testing products are available ~ in addition, research has proved that experiments on non-human animals provides statistically little useful insight. John R 24.04.2024 15:26
  • It's not needed in this day and age. There are other ways of tested products that are reliable. Research now shows how animals feel pain and emotions so this is not acceptable Sally B 24.04.2024 11:47
  • I have a beagle of my own, and it is heartbreaking to read these facts and see this awful approach still occurring. Animal testing full stop should be banned. The UK should be pushing to create new legislation on animal testing. Ella K 22.04.2024 23:17
  • It should be banned in the UK and worldwide, because it's outdated science that is cruel and obsolete. There are hundreds of NAM's (Non Animal methods) already shown to be much more reliable than using animals, but the powers that be are dragging their heels and withholding funding to replace animal testing sharon s 22.04.2024 16:05